Rubbish Rebels

Rubbish Rebels

The Waste Reduction team at Recycle For Cumbria have an exciting free resource for schools called Rubbish Rebels. This is a programme of six lessons, complete with interactive resources, focusing on waste reduction and recycling in Cumbria. It is aimed at key stage 2 pupils. You can pick and choose which sections you would like to do but we would always recommend lesson 1 as it gives the best insight into what happens to waste in Cumbria.

If you are really keen, there are also Bronze, Silver and Gold awards that the school can achieve. If at least one class in the school completes all six Rubbish Rebels lessons, they can apply for a Bronze Award and receive a certificate to display in school. Further involvement and additional activity by the rest of the school and parents unlocks the Silver and Gold Awards. There is no time limit for you to complete so you can take things at your own pace. Once we give you access to the resources, you are free to use and reuse as you wish.

Each of the six lessons explores a different topic:

  1. Where does our waste go
  2. Sharing and swapping
  3. Freegle and reuse
  4. Upcycling
  5. Food waste
  6. Composting

Link to view the resources and accompanying video for each lesson is

For each lesson, there is

  • A teacher overview which summarises the lesson
  • A lesson plan with more detail to help prepare and deliver the session
  • A video that introduces the lesson topic (to be shown at the start of the lesson)
  • Resources needed for each lesson such as powerpoint slides, activity sheets and instructions for each activity.

There is also a Rubbish Rebels Action Pack, which is the workbook for the initial/lead class taking part. Each pupil in the lead class will need a copy - we will be able to let you have an initial supply but you can then print off as many as you need for future use from the linked resources.

If you need any futher information, please get in touch via email to or by phone on 07768 724863.

Intro to Rubbish rebels26/11/2018163k
Rubbish Rebels Action Pack26/11/20184407k
Rubbish Rebels Evaluation and award26/11/201885k
Lesson 1 - Where does our waste go?
Rubbish rebels L1 Gold award waste audit26/11/2018198k
Rubbish rebels L1 Lesson plan29/11/2018170k
Rubbish rebels L1 Silver award assembly26/11/2018119k
Rubbish rebels L1 Teacher overview29/11/2018140k
Lesson 1 - lunchbox challenge activity
Rubbish rebels L1 Res 1.6 Resource PowerPoint26/11/2018879k
Rubbish rebels L1 Res 1.7 Lunchbox challenge instructions26/11/2018123k
Rubbish rebels L1 Res 1.8 Waste hierarchy26/11/201816k
Lesson 1 - waste timeline activity
Rubbish Rebels L1 Res 1.4 Waste timeline instructions26/11/2018142k
Rubbish Rebels L1 Res 1.5 Waste rotting timeline cards26/11/2018328k
Lesson 4 - Upcycling
Rubbish Rebels L4 Lesson plan28/11/2018155k
Rubbish Rebels L4 Powerpoint28/11/201819555k
Rubbish Rebels L4 Teacher Overview28/11/2018131k
Lesson 5 - Food waste
Rubbish Rebels L5 Gold award29/11/2018190k
Rubbish Rebels L5 Lesson plan28/11/2018139k
Rubbish Rebels L5 Powerpoint29/11/2018740k
Rubbish Rebels L5 Silver award29/11/2018117k
Rubbish Rebels L5 Teacher overview28/11/2018147k
If you have a question about resources or recycling please call one of the following numbers
Cumberland Council: 0300 373 3730
Westmorland & Furness Council: 0300 373 3300
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